Own Your Operating System.
Having your own operating system provides additional opportunities for customization and optimization. Among other things, a dedicated operating system lets you implement additional security measures, tune your performance tuning, customize advanced user policies, add port and IP filtering, and install additional software.
Easy Access.
With Infosaic’s one-click direct access you can access your VPS right from our control panel, without installing any additional software. Just click on the RDP link and you will be instantly taken into your VPS—all you need is your browser!

Full control through an advanced control panel.
Add new websites, install software, download and upload files, add virtual directories, change permissions, add database users, and more, all through an easy to use control panel that comes fully installed with all of Infosaic’s VPS solutions.
Easy migration to a dedicated server or a private cloud.
With VPS, moving to another server or another solution is an easy task, which our staff can handle without any inconvenience or downtime. Once you choose a new system, the entire environment and its related settings can be fully migrated there. You can also easily switch a sandbox system to a production one, minimizing delays and inconvenience.

Easy upgrades.
If you need a serious system upgrade, Infosaic staff can make a copy of the production VPS and run the upgrade there, without affecting the original system. Once you complete system acceptance testing and resolve any issues, we can switch the new system to production and retire the original VPS.
Despite being a part of a larger cloud, Hyper-V VPS is a fully enclosed system, which is not accessible from any other VPS on the server. None of the settings or security configurations of another VPS on the cloud will have any effect on its neighbors.

Add memory or disk space at any time.
VPSes can be upgraded at any time– just let us Infosaic know, and we’ll quickly add additional space, RAM, or cores to your system.
Add redundancy.
Adding a replicated system, putting systems on a load balancer, or even shifting a backup system to another data center – all easily achievable with Infosaic VPS solutions.

Dedicated resources.
While all Infosaic VPSes get dedicated memory resources and allocated cores, Infosaic also supports special configurations in which VPSes utilize dedicated mirrored drives that are not shared with anyone.
Implement advanced configurations.
Want to add your own domain controller, database only VPS, set up a VPS for DMZ? No problem! Just let Infosaic staff know and let us set the optimal configuration, using two or more VPSes.