Upon expiration date, your domain is put on hold pending renewal payment. Once you make the renewal payment, your domain name is renewed for an additional year from the date the domain expired.
Many registrars will retain the domain for up to 45 to 60 days after expiration. Cost to renew after expiration may vary from registrar to registrar. With Infosaic, we have access to the domain for 15 – 30 days after expiration. During this time, we can usually get the domain at normal cost; however once the domain goes into redemption, then the cost imposed by the registrar increases.
If you plan to transfer the domain to Infosaic, then first you need to renew the domain for at least one year with your current registrar. After the expiration date, you may be able to reclaim your domain. After you renew the domain, you need to wait 45 days after payment, so that you do not lose the time you have paid for. You can point your domain to our name servers so that your domain works with the hosting space in the interim.