Whether you need to get a single mailbox or provide a robust platform for an entire organization, Infosaic gives you access so Smartertools, one of the leading email platform providers, to support your needs. All of our email solutions— from the Basic Package to a dedicated cloud— come packed with cutting-edge options and features. Please take a second to review some of the great features included in your hosting package.

Instant access to email, contacts, calendars, and more from any mobile or desktop web browser—all you need is an internet connection! The interface is extremely intuitive and easy to use.
Use whichever platform you like—your email will seamlessly sync across Windows, Mac, Android and iOS mobile devices, tablets, and desktop applications.

Spam and virus filtering, custom email processing rules, mailing lists, and more.
Use team workspaces to power your organization. Bring together customers, employees, contractors, friends, family, or a mixture of all of them, using real-time group chat and inline file sharing.

Users can share their contacts, calendars, tasks, and notes, letting them truly collaborate with anyone in their company, department, or across a group of users within their organization.
Easily administer your email users, via a web-friendly interface.